Thursday, November 19, 2009

From the Bottom of the Arse: Nazi Fanatic Emotions at MA Labour Policies and Globalisation (LPG), Uni Kassel

As mentioned earlier, Kassel University is no education, only emotions from the bottoms.

Here's more about supporters of Nazi rape-attempter Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep:

1) One of the racist students, a poor old girl from Sacramento who has never visited L.A. but somehow got to Germany, said to Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep that she has holes in her clothes. Her name was Nicole De Cuir, she helps the professor to make rape attempts. She's always spreading her legs and the professor has misplaced sexual emotions which he sheds on Jewish or Muslim women instead. The most hateful thing for Jewish or Muslim women is to be seated between these two perverts, sex maniacs: Nicole-Postlep.

2) A German Hun boy with a difficult sort of name -- they call him Ben (for Bun) -- believes that Muslim students who go to Kassel University must have political activist minds; they must fight for Iraq among the Christian fanatics of Germany. He stares at Muslim students through the corner of his eyes as he speaks of Iraq. He probably thinks the Muslims would react to it violently so he'd go and call the SS on them.

These idiots need to finish high school.

No intellect, only emotions from the bottom of the arse at Kassel University, Germany!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Low-Income Terrorism at International Center for Development and Decent Work (ICDD), University of Kassel, Germany

But naturally, if the women that Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep tried to rape at Kassel University, Germany, had said that they were Christians, the Nazis of Germany wouldn't have behaved as they did and still do toward them. That is, to simply try to ignore the fact that the problem lies with Germany because the Germans are low-born.

This is a radical Christian race, which means they are mad like Taliban. They are Christian fundamentalists and they are not really Christian as the Jews and Muslims have been brought up to learn that Christians must be.

Why did those students that Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep tried to rape go to Germany to study among these low-born beasts? -- Because those students they tried to dishonor at University of Kassel weren't radical fundamentalists like the Nazis. They'd thought only brain matters at the level of academia. But in Germany even the brightest of students have to pretend they're brainless because German educators aren't bright enough.

In short, you must be a radical Christian to study at University of Kassel. They have utmost respect for Christian fundamentalists there -- the kinds of students that spread their legs for every male and female in the classroom. They say it's Christian to behave this way. So they want Christian fundamentalist groups at Kassel University mixing their Christian genitals -- both professors and students.

They won't try to rape you there if you're a radical Christian Nazi like them. Rather, Christian genitals are free for all in Germany.

It's an ignoble race, the Germans. Perhaps Jews and Muslims should teach Christianity to Germany.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

German Shepherds of MA Global Political Economy (GPE), Uni Kassel

Germans are vampires, and Nazis like rape-attempter Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep and the Nazi Hun president of Kassel University take pride in the fact that they can do whatever they want to foreign students and get away with it.

So, don't put your life into their hands. They aren't educated or civilized enough to take responsibility for foreign students. They are animals and they believe people are like rats to take into their little Nazi labs for experiments with gas.

Wickedness is a part of them. They're emotionally disturbed freaks of nature and they just can't help being their insane selves.

Germans are not part of human race. Period.

Don't trust them. Don't go to them. Don't talk to them. Don't have anything to do with anything that's German. In short, don't treat them as human; they're dogs.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep Attempts Rape at Promotionskolleg Global Social Policies and Governance, Universität Kassel

It has been reported elsewhere that Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep, University of Kassel, is a very poor teacher, if we should refer to him as a teacher. And perhaps this is the reason why he tries to make up for his intellectual poverty in the classroom by winking at students to indicate that he'd like to sleep with them.

What kind of an education system does Germany boast? It trains professors to wink at students in the classroom to get them to sleep with. In other words, it trains professors to act as bar waitresses. The German classroom is a bar if not a brothel. And the German professor is a bartender.

Nazi Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep, Global Labour University (GLU), Believes in German Right to Dehumanize Non-Germans

When racism or sexism are taught by violence, as in Germany or Afghanistan and other culturally abnormal places around the world, every Tom and Dick takes advantage of this brainwashing.

Rape attempter, Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep, Kassel University, is an ugly old fart. But because Germans are brainwashed to hate certain cultures, races, religions, etc. at any point in time — such ugly beasts believe it is their right to be admired or appreciated by all races, etc. that the
Germans have chosen to look down upon: ‘You’re from that race, culture, religion, etc. You should find me desirable because my government told me I’m superior to you.’

Many people submit to these racist cultural norms. Others would want to speak up for their human rights: ‘No, it’s an attempt to rape to force a student to sleep with an ugly old fart like Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep.’

State-Sponsored Attempts to Rape Jewish and Muslim Students at Kassel University, Germany

Germany: What kind of education system does it have to breed professors that force foreign students to sleep with them?

This is an extremely violent country, and religious violence has been supreme on their agenda. Christian Democratic Union (CDU) that ugly Merkel is a member of must be Nazi-Taliban or radical Christian.

No wonder the German government is totally cool about Nazi attempts to rape Jewish and Muslim students at Kassel University. Only the Taliban can understand Nazi psychology.

Thus, small-headed Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep, rape attempter at University of Kassel, tries to teach UFO or Exopolitics. The Germans have no idea about human beings, human rights, or humanitarian anything.

Moreover, if you’re a brilliant student, they’d hate you because they are braindead, cannot stand shoulder to shoulder with brilliance, and they’ve already decided on which races, cultures, religions, gender, etc. to hate. It’s in their blood — to be Nazi.

So if you’re brilliant, the Germans have no place for you in their universities especially if hating your race, culture, religion, gender, etc. is state-sponsored at any given time.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Jail the German Savage! — Prof. Rolf-Dieter Postlep, MA Gloal Political Economy (GPE), Universität Kassel

Why did some incompetent dullard create Kassel University, Germany in the first place?

Actually, these Germans are bathroom sweepers, Bedouins, cleaning ladies (fagots). Calling themselves professors, etc. makes them feel great about themselves. They have very low self-esteem. Why else would rape-attempter inform students with pride that his asshole of a grandfather was a Nazi priest who washed Hitler’s bums, that is, a criminal?

It has been reported elsewhere that one of the programs headed by rape-attempter Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep is ILO-sponsored. It’s called MA Labour Policies and Globalisation (LPG) for the Global Labour University (GLU).

ILO didn’t think of grouping with the Global Labor Institute of Cornell perhaps? They chose these 3rd class universities like Kassel University because Germans are Huns are Germans are Nazis, they love to suck up to themselves.

When the news became public that Kassel University is sponsoring rape attempts on Jewish and Muslim students, the dullard university gave an honorary doctorate to that Swiss German guy who heads ILO nowadays, whatever his name is, Juan or whatever?

So this is how the German race feels great about itself: Create these dull universities and programs and call yourselves professors — just like Hitler wanted.

Brain-dead universities make great criminals like Nazi-Talibans. They have no choice but to obey. The lower the IQ, the better it is for the cause of Nazism. Good schools and good upbringing, on the other hand, teach you to ‘Question Everything.’ The Nazis won’t have any of it. Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep starts giggling like a camel if you talk brains with him.

Perhaps he’s a cocaine or heroin addict. Drug dealers are very welcome in his Nazi pogroms.

Anyhow, the reporters could only report. They aren’t going to fire their Nazi arse-licker Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep. UK and US waiting to trash Germany once again? Does history really repeat itself?

All victims of Nazism remain hopeful anyway that Germans would go to Hell soon enough.

Yuck to Germany! German psychopaths!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Neo-Nazis @ ICDD, University of Kassel, Germany

The following are all run by rape-attempter Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep at University of Kassel, Germany. Don’t apply unless you’re a Nazi Hun criminal who just can't go to good schools:

1) Promotionskolleg Global Social Policies and Governance

2) International Center for Development and Decent Work (ICDD)

3) MA Global Political Economy (GPE)

4) MA Labour Policies and Globalisation (LPG) for Global Labour University (GLU)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

No Jew or Muslim at MA Labour Policies and Globalisation (LPG), University of Kassel

If you’re Jew or Muslim, especially if you’re female, never consider Germany for higher education.

The women that Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep of Kassel University tried to rape have reported that it almost seems unreal — the fact that they, too, are Holocaust survivors now. It’s difficult for them to put in words how weird this German Hun race is. Imagine snakes appearing to you in human form, filled with venom because you’re better than them.

Or, don’t imagine it. Watch any film about Holocaust Part I to get the feeling.

Arab-German Huns’ MA Labour Policies and Globalisation (LPG), Universität Kassel, Germany

If you’re a student who has reached this site or any other international news site about Nazi rape attempts at University of Kassel, Germany by Googling information before you apply to or arrive in Germany — consider yourself blessed. Because Germans are very low IQ beasts, and all students are expected to be very low IQ there. They don’t even know how to Google universities and places before getting there!

Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep, Nazi rape-attempter at Kassel University, Germany is a kindergarten teacher, only so-called professor. Students at his programs: MA Labour Policies and Globalisation (LPG), MA Global Political Economy (GPE), and the International Center for Development and Decent Work (ICDD), University of Kassel, aren’t even required to know English, although they say English is the medium of instruction there.

Don’t expect anything beyond ABCD there. And if you’re bright, don’t even look at Germany for higher education. They’re so dull they’d rob you out of envy; if you’re a woman they’d rape you out of envy.

And they’re very hard-faced ugly creatures; besides, what would you expect from snakes except poison? The word Nazi means snake. This is not human race we’re talking about. These are alien dinosaurs waiting on an asteroid.