Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Arabic Hole @ ICDD, Universität Kassel, Germany!


You never hear Germany in the world media. Because Germany only whispers to all that believe it’s still alive. No doubt, Germany is a propaganda nation that has mastered the art of deception.

Muslims that do not belong to the Arab world are offended when everybody starts to say that the generic Muslim is responsible for Arab stupidity around the globe. Most Germans don’t even know that all Muslims aren’t Arabs. But, their murmuring government has spread this lie through Switzerland-financed Freemason media.

Now if you say that all Muslims are Arabs, you expect all Muslims to behave as Arabs. That is what the Arabs want, and Germany says that it would help Arabs to Arabize the world. Why does Germany say this secretly to Arabs? Because Freemasonry and Switzerland are secret societies. Corrupt individuals and organizations that hold bank accounts in Switzerland are promised secrecy. (Now don’t tell us you don’t know how Al-Qaeda is secretly financed).

Today, if you ask the University of Kassel, Germany, whether they are attacking Muslim women, they would reply that all Arabs are doing just fine out there. They attack Muslim women, not Arabs.

Slow, low-IQ, ugly, ignorant, and poor-standard everything — Arabs are perfectly integrating into German society. Male or female — they’ve got holes for Germans to smell. At the University of Kassel, for example, Arab Turks are sexually submissive. Male or female — they are ever-ready to offer their holes to Germans. Arab males are just like Arab females, just as there is only one sex in Germany: The Hole.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Nazi Slits @ Promotionskolleg Global Social Policies and Governance, Universität Kassel

You know that Switzerland allows all corrupt people of the world to hold their bank accounts — no question asked.

Switzerland is also where International Labour Organisation (ILO) is based. Have you ever heard America’s name in connection with the ILO? Of course not. Because America fights the Taliban, unlike the Germans who finance them.

You know the Taliban are the poorest people of the world saying ‘Give us all you’ve got or else….’

At the University of Kassel, rape-attempter Prof. Rolf-Dieter Postlep teaches that that’s ok, and this is how poor people should behave. He leads the most uncultured group of students that you would only find in a terror training camp run by Al-Qaeda. And when they behave in all sorts of uncivilized ways, he says this is how poor people ought to behave. ‘Give them all you’ve got or else…’

ILO has something to do with Rolf-Dieter Postlep’s labor programs. These programs are inspired by ILO, in fact — that Freemason organization, teaching terrorism to the third-class. Here’s where Arab Turk terrorists with middle partings starting from their heads, all the way down, mix with the servant class from around the world. And, they’re taught to act as unruly as possible. If you’ve read media reports on rape attempts cases at University of Kassel elsewhere, you’ve noticed how often the word ‘terrorism’ is used in connection with these labor class duds.

Another question is, How come Germany’s economy is doing so well when nobody really buys anything from them? Answer: They are thieves.

Another fact seems to be that they are the ones that have helped Arabs achieve the freedom to terrorize the world. Have you ever heard Germany’s name in connection with anything good? Somebody should count the word ‘Donor’ or ‘Doner’ (that is, Donor near) on Germany’s walls. It’s an intimate give-and-take relationship — between the Germans and Arabs. And, how many of us would not freely associate the word ‘terrorism’ with the Germans, just as we do with Arabs?